Grassroots level interventions are the focus of the organization and considered as important as the actual reduction of consumption and change of behavior taking place in the target locations. Change of individual behavior is expected to happen as a result of individual awareness and understanding increase and most importantly as a result of a social environment change and setting change in which the Alcohol is deglamorised and demystified. A very capable team, trained and capacitated for demystifying and deglamorizing alcohol, is working in the field level are working with Healthy Lanka at Grassroots level.
♦ They coordinate and provide services to
♦ 4U youth groups
♦ civil society organizations at community at Divisional, District & National level
♦ Government sector stakeholder organizations
♦ Professionals, youth, Man & women and child activists
♦ Local NGOs and networks
♦ Capacity Building the grassroots
Alcohol and tobacco related deaths, disabilities, social, physical and economic harm can be considered as the biggest hindrance to the development in the present world. Evidence based scientific approach to tobacco, Alcohol and drug prevention helps any agency to approach its community efficiently and mobilize them effectively for development. Our dedicated and motivated trainers capacitate grassroots and management level staff.
♦ Reducing Attractiveness of images of alcohol
♦ Reducing unfair privileges attached to Alcohol
♦ Improving recognition of the real harm from alcohol use
♦ Encouraging and quitting or reduction of use
♦ Counteracting the forces that promote increased consumption
♦ Appropriate restriction, policies and Laws